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HomeCode of Practice

Standard Code of Practice

This Standard Code of Practice governs the actions of members of Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (SCIP), and does not negate other obligations logically implied. Deviation from this Code, as interpreted by the SCIP Board of Directors, shall be cause for disciplinary action by the Board. The decision of the Board shall be final.


Each Member Engaged in Independent Practice Shall:

  • Practice as an independent consultant engaged primarily in the preparation of construction specifications.
  • Undertake no activity that would appear to compromise professional judgment or prevent serving the best interest of the client.
  • Avoid conflict of interest with the client, and promptly and fully disclose all circumstances to the client whenever conflict of interest appears to be unavoidable.
  • Not knowingly divulge confidential client information.
  • Not discriminate against any client or employee because of sex, race, creed or national origin.
  • Conform to existing laws and regulations governing the practice in jurisdictions in which the projects are located to the best of their ability.

Each Member Shall:

  • Represent truthfully and clearly the member’s qualifications and capabilities to perform services offered.
  • Discharge duties and responsibilities in such a manner as to inspire confidence of others.
  • Keep abreast with current professional and technical practices and the state of the art.
  • Act impartially and objectively, recognizing the contribution of others participating in projects, and avoid knowingly making derogatory or false statements regarding the professional work, the prospects, practice or employment position of any person so engaged.
  • Neither solicit no accept financial or other valuable consideration from any material or equipment supplier for specifying the supplier’s products.